This is a picture of a pin I bought in support of Barack Obama.This weekend I received a e-mail from a former co-worker about the election. It had a link to a graph showing estimated electoral votes for the upcoming election. On this map you could check out former elections. So I went to the older ones,
1972 to be exact. That really blew my mind looking at the 520/17 split. I started to poke around more and saw that it had happened a few times. I have only paid attention to the more recent elections, so I am used to a pretty close split. Honestly I hope that happens this year but in the Democrats favor, but I doubt it will happen to such a extreme.
GOBAMA!Edit: Do not forget to vote.
Wow, i thought the 1988 Reagan(gack)/Dukakis election was a beat down, but it was nowhere near the 1972 result.
If you've never read "Fear And Loathing On the Campaign '72" its worth a read, what appeared to be a close election ended as a landslide all because of a terrible choice of running mate...
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