Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Beer Pong - Not giving herpes in a basement near you!

So I was watching The Colbert Report and Colbert had a bit about beer pong spreading herpes. Earlier this term I wrote a story on beer pong. I guess Fox and Friends did a segment on this. Which is funny... because it was a hoax.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention posted a response to this. "Recent news stories about an alleged CDC study showing a possible link between the drinking game, Beer Pong, and herpes simplex 1, the virus that causes cold sores, are false."

Favorite quote from Fox and Friends:
"Don't drink that!"
"Because the whole segment says we should not drink that, because I have bacteria on my ball!"

Also go to NASA's site and vote for name of the Node 3. Vote Colbert!

(Photo of table by Elliot P. Condom photo by Victoriapeckham)

1 comment:

AnchorsAway said...

I voted Colbert! WOOT!