Sunday, February 8, 2009

The Troubadour

I had a few more interviews to complete this weekend, and they went well. I watched as customers packed the tiny shop and I just took notes. I got to talk to a few random customers about their experience at The Troubadour Music Center and got to talk to more of Kent's apprentices. So now I am filtering all this information into an awesome profile story. This will be a good one.

As of right now I feel terrible because I finally got whatever sickness my brother has. This is great, really... I have a midterm tomorrow that is worth a third of my grade, and it is in Art History. So much information in that class, but it is all quite incredible. One place I am finding amazing is the Hagia Sophia. I suggest you check it out.

Well I hope to have the story up tonight, if not it will be up tomorrow. Back to drinking tea and studying with me.

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