Sunday, January 11, 2009

A slow start (EDIT 01-12-09)

We are heading into the second week of the term. The first week was actually pretty uneventful, but I am looking forward to most of my classes. I have started work on my first story of the term, which I mentioned in the last post. This is going... ok. Still need to interview people but I have done some research (not hands on).

EDIT For class: I plan to interview college students who know of beer pong. Right now I have done some research and found some information from the presenters of the World Series of Beer Pong (WSOBP). I would also like to interview maybe a teacher or some adult and get their reaction to the popularity of Beer Pong.

I finished the assigned reading for "On Writing" by Stephen King. I enjoy some of his work a lot, such as "The Dark Tower" series. This book is turning out to be interesting and funny. I would probably be much further into the book except I have a ton of reading for Art History and some for History of Latin America. Speaking of which... I am off to read some more then to bed!

EDIT: Also I should have most everyone from the class on my bloglist.
(Picture taken from by TarikB)

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